Achnamara Village Hall has recently been substantially refurbished. A grant from HIE from the Greening Community Assets Fund allowed us to insulate the hall, making it warmer in winter and cheaper to run. A further grant from Awards for All allowed us to replace and insulate the floor. The work is now complete and the hall is open for normal activities.

Here are details of the usual regular events held in Achnamara Village Hall, open to all. Watch the Facebook page for any variations. The hall also holds some One Off events including illustrated talks, fairs, musical events and dinners.

If you have any enquiries regarding these activities please send us a message from the Contact Page. The hall is available for booking for private events at £15/hour (including electricity) – contact for bookings.

Cafe Connect

Everyone is welcome at Achnamara’s weekly coffee morning featuring great coffee, home baking and a chance to catch up and have a bit of a blether. No entry fee – but we do appreciate donations, which help cover costs and contribute to the village hall maintenance programme.

All year – Saturday mornings – 10:30 to 12.30. Watch Facebook for variations.

Stitch Up - Craft Group

Join us for craft, chat, tea and home baking. Bring along your current portable project, whatever it is – knitting, crochet, sewing, drawing, felting, weaving, patchwork, or whatever. No membership or booking necessary – just turn up. £3 a session (50p for children) or free entry for Friends of Achnamara Village Hall.

September to March – first and third Wednesday afternoons of the month.   1.00 – 3.00pm.

Contact Alka Foster on 01546 850242 for more information.

Singing Group

Open to all.  The groups is working on a wide range of numbers. Something for everyone. £3 per session or free entry for Friends of Achnamara Village Hall.

The Singing Group meets on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm until 8:30pm.

Contact Mike Lindup on 01546 850284 for more information.

Circuit Training

Open to all.  An hour of organised circuit training. Numbers are limited due to the number of exercise stations. £3 per session or free entry for Friends of Achnamara Village Hall.

Circuit Training is held on a Tuesday evening from 6:00pm until 7:00pm. Circuit Training stops during the summer and restarts in the autumn.

Contact Hazel Manson on 01546 850215 for more information.

Pop Up Pub

A convivial get together in the village hall for a drink with neighbours and visitors. There are usually a few games played including some table tennis, darts or backgammon. Please bring your own drink. Entry is free but you are welcome to make a donation on entry to support the village hall. 

Somewhat adhoc. Watch the Village Hall Facebook page for information.

Table Tennis

Friendly and informal. All levels are welcome. Just turn up and join in. £3 per person or free entry for Friends of Achnamara Village Hall.

September to March – Monday evenings by arrangement.


A cycling group runs through the summer, leaving from the hall at 7pm on Wednesday evenings. All welcome. 

Contact John Jackson  on 01546 850133 for more information.



Book Swap

The hall operates a book swap. Donations of good books are always appreciated to keep the supply fresh and turning over. If you find something you like we appreciate a donation of 50p for a book or 3 for £1.


Come and enjoy a relaxing hour of yoga. £3 per session. 

Not running at the moment.

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