In 2018 Achnamara decided they would like to try and build a skiff and join the growing number of Scottish communities now taking part in coastal rowing. They project was funded by Foundation Scotland and a grant from National Lottery Awards for All Scotland along with generous local donations and fund-raining. The boat is a standard St Ayles Skiff – a ‘one design’ – that allows for competitive racing between coastal communities under the umbrella of the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association. The boat kit was supplied by Jordan Boats who provide the shaped materials for the frames, ribs and planks. The Achnamara Community Trust purchased a large shed from Forestry Land Scotland to provide an excellent workshop for building the boat and then for winter storage thereafter.

Construction of the boat started in 2018. Progress was interrupted in 2020 due to COVID but work was able to restart in late 2021. The build has been done by volunteers giving some time twice a week. Some team members had previous experience with boat building and woodwork whilst others were relative beginners. All comers were welcome and it has been one great big learning curve and a real team effort.

The launch is eagerly anticipated. If you are interested in rowing with the Achnamara Rowing Club then please get in contact.

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