The Achnamara Moorings Association manages mooring arrangements at the head of the loch near Achnamara village. This is a sheltered spot enjoying relatively calm conditions through most of the year. Tenders for accessing the moorings may be left on the shore at owner’s risk – lengths of heavy duty chain to which tenders may be padlocked have recently been installed. The Achnamara pier may also be used for access, although limited depth restricts this to shallow draught vessels other than at high water. Limited parking is available at the pier.

At present there are about 40 moorings laid, with scope for some expansion, although the Association’s committee is keen to ensure that ample anchoring space is retained for visiting boats.  Current members’ craft range from 13 ft day boats to 40+ ft round the world sailing yachts.  The committee maintains a waiting list of potential new members and arranges contact between them and current members seeking to relinquish their moorings; it may also allocate space where new moorings may be laid.  The Association requires that both moorings and the boats moored thereon be maintained in serviceable condition. A Tayvallich-based diver operates a fully equipped maintenance rig and currently carries out a service round in Achnamara every spring; new moorings may also be laid at this time.

Membership of the Moorings Association, which covers Crown Estate Scotland and Marine Scotland licence fees, together with a subscription to West Highland Anchorages and Moorings, currently costs £ 65 per year.

If you are interested in further information about the Moorings Association or wish to enquire about mooring availability please contact Andy Grant and John Marsden via

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